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Laurel Lane is commited to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We believe that pupils have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse; where staff are vigilent for signs of any pupil in distress and are confident about applying our safeguarding processes to avert and alleviate any such problems.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitement, including our Children Protection Policy.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss A Walton (Deputy Head)
  • The Prevent Lead is Miss A Walton (Deputy Head)
  • The Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mrs S Voisey (Headteacher) 
  • The Safeguarding Governor is Mrs E Leake
  • The Safeguarding Team are Mrs G Rowden (SENDCo), Mrs S Keenan (Learning Mentor), Mrs N Bishop (Inclusion Assistant)


Private fostering is when a child or young person under 16 years old (or 18 if they have a disability) is looked after for a period of 28 days or more by someone who is not a close relative, legal guardian or person with parental responsibility. Close relatives include parents, step-parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents.

Parents and Private Foster Carers should notify the Local Authority about a planned arrangement six weeks in advance of it starting or in an emergency, within 48 hours. This is a legal requirement.

Once informed, the Local Authority will work in partnership with the child, parents and private foster carer to make sure that the best possible arrangements are in place for the child.

If you would like more information regarding private fostering, please follow this link:

Remember our school Designated Safeguarding Lead is always available for help and support also.


Even though e-safety is integrated into our computing curriculum, we celebrate this day annually to remind pupils, staff and parents the importance of being safe online. 

Below is the PowerPoint that we shared with parents during our recent workshop.