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Attendance and Lateness

Good attendance and punctuality are vital.  At Laurel Lane Primary School, we aim to achieve at least 96% attendance.  Please notify the school by telephone (01895 462360) or email ( if your child is absent or late.  There is an answering machine (option 1) so a message can be left at any time.  In order to track reasons for absence, please leave the full reason for absence - not just unwell.  A verbal message is not acceptable.

We will follow up any unexplained absence or lateness with a truency call text, phone call and/or a letter. Punctuality and absences are regularly monitored by the School's Participation Officer.  School attendance is a legal requirement which is enforced by Hillingdon Local Authority - further details can be found on their website.

Should your child have an infectious illness, tell us as soon as the doctor has confirmed this.

If your child needs to leave school during the day, please let us know in writing.  Unless we have contact from a parent, the child will not be allowed to leave the school premises.

Remember to be punctual!

  • Children need to be in school by 8.45am, ready for registration.  Breakfast club is open from 7.45am for all children from Reception to Year 6, at a cost of £3.00 per child.
  • If your child is regularly late, even by three minutes every day, this can add up to over seven and a half hours of lost learning time in one month.  15 minutes late each day is the same as missing two weeks of school.
  • At the end of the school day, children must be collected on time at 3.10pm for Reception and 3.20pm for all other children.
  • Children must also be collected promptly when after school clubs finish.

Please note:

  • The local authority are monitoring unauthorised absence.
  • Holidays must not be taken during school term time.
  • The Headteacher can only authorise certain absences in cases of absolute emergency.

Time out for family holidays

  • The school will not authorise any time out for family holidays.  Only at the discretion of the school and in exceptional circumstances, may leave be granted, but parents must put their request in writing to the Headteacher.  If the absence is for an extended period, the school may seek to off-roll the pupil and the parents will need to apply for re-admittance to the school.
  • Authorisation for absence for religious purposes will be considered on request.  The special circumstances code is to be used at the discretion of the school, e.g. death in the family, moving house etc. All requests must be discussed at least two weeks in advance with the Headteacher before authorisation and relevant evidence provided.