School Vision: Excellence in learning – Investment in Oracy – Strength in Inclusivity
At Laurel Lane our intent is to provide a balanced and broadly based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and of society, and prepares pupils at school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
We aim:
- To educate children so that they understand the importance of healthy lifestyles and adopt healthy practices and attitudes.
- To promote a school culture and environment that has health and emotional well-being at its heart where collaboration and support develop trust and respect.
- To equip children in skills of citizenship and to guide them in becoming independent and confident members of society compassionate to the interests of others.
Implementation and Impact
At Laurel Lane Primary School we are guided by the Kapow Scheme of work.
Through creative learning opportunities of PSHE in line with circle time and role play activities, assemblies, charity days, residential experiences and visits, visitors from the community, work of student councils and participation in sports activities, children learn to show respect and understanding towards each other as they become citizens of the immediate and wider communities. The School Council is a ‘resource’ used to encourage pupil participation in decision making, ensuring they feel involved and have ‘ownership’ of many PSHE issues in school.