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At Laurel Lane, we are proud to be an inclusive school where every child is values and supported to thrive, regardless of their background, abilities or beliefs. Together with our parents and community, we aim for each pupil to reach their full potential. At Laurel Lane we firmly believe that all children can achieve and we carefully track each child’s individual progress, tailoring support plans to their needs. A strong pastoral structure underpins the curriculum allowing pupils access to the Learning Mentor, External Therapists or our Educational Psychologist to ensure that barriers to learning are broken down.

Key aspects of our inclusivity:

  • Welcoming environment for all: We foster a culture of respect, understanding and kindness. Every child is encouraged to express themselves freely, knowing they are part of a safe and supportive environment where differences are embraced and celebrated
  • Support for children with special educational needs: We are dedicated to ensuring that students with special educational needs or disabilities have equal access to the curriculum. Our staff work closely with families and external professionals to create tailored learning plans and provide necessary resources to help every child succeed
  • Cultural and religious aspect: Our school values and respects the diverse faiths, cultures and world views of our children, ensuring every child feels respected and included
  • Personalised learning: We understand that every child is unique and we strive to meet individual learning needs through personalised approaches.
  • Commitment to equality: Equality is at the heart of everything we do. We actively remove barriers to learning and participation, ensuring equal opportunities for all
  • Mental health and well-being: We believe that emotional well-being is fundamental to children's success. Our pastoral care system provides children with access to one to one sessions, mentoring, interventions, friendship groups and mental health support services. We promote a positive school climate where children feel empowered to seek help and support when needed
  • Inclusive extracurricular activities: We offer a range of extracurricular activities that cater to the diverse interests and abilities of our children. These include football, gymnastics, cheerleading and choir club.
  • Ongoing staff training: All staff undergo regular training on inclusive practices and we continually work towards creating an environment where every child can flourish.

Our Inclusion Team consists of:

  • Mrs G Rowden (SENDCo)
  • Mrs Bishop BEM (Inclusion Assistant)
  • Mrs Keenan (Learning Mentor)
  • Miss Walton (Deputy Headteacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Please contact Mrs Rowden to discuss any concerns with regards to your child's needs and they will be happy to help. 

For more information about Inclusion at Laurel Lane, read our policies and documents below.

Hillingdon Local Offer & Ordinarily Available Provision

Hillingdon's local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers. It allows families to see what they can expect from a range of local agencies and how to access them. The Ordinarily Available Provision document is below for your reference.